Journal article  Open Access

Unveiling mobility complexity through complex network analysis

Guidotti R, Monreale A, Rinzivillo S, Pedreschi D, Giannotti F

Mobility Complexity  Mobility Data Analytics  Computer Science Applications  Media Technology  Information Systems  Community Discovery  Human-Computer Interaction  Communication 

The availability of massive digital traces of individuals is offering a series of novel insights on the understanding of patterns characterizing human mobility. Many studies try to semantically enrich mobility data with annotations about human activities. However, these approaches either focus on places with high frequencies (e.g., home and work), or relay on background knowledge (e.g., public available points of interest). In this paper, we depart from the concept of frequency and we focus on a high level representation of mobility using network analytics. The visits of each driver to each systematic destination are modeled as links in a bipartite network where a set of nodes represents drivers and the other set represents places. We extract such network from two real datasets of human mobility based, respectively, on GPS and GSM data. We introduce the concept of mobility complexity of drivers and places as a ranking analysis over the nodes of these networks. In addition, by means of community discovery analysis, we differentiate subgroups of drivers and places according both to their homogeneity and to their mobility complexity.


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Unveiling mobility complexity through complex network analysis},
	author = {Guidotti R and Monreale A and Rinzivillo S and Pedreschi D and Giannotti F},
	doi = {10.1007/s13278-016-0369-2},
	year = {2016}

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