Conference article  Open Access

Evaluation of angle of arrival in indoor environments with bluetooth 5.1 direction finding

Girolami M, Barsocchi P, Furfari F, La Rosa D, Mavilia F

Location awareness  Wireless communication  Bluetooth 

The Bluetooth 5.1. Direction Finding (DF) specification opens to the possibility of estimating the angle between an emitting and a receiving device. Such angle is generally measured estimating the Angle of Arrival (AoA) or the Angle of Departure (AoD). In particular, knowledge about AoA between a set of anchor nodes and a moving target could be used to localize the target, with greater accuracy with respect to traditional approaches based on the Received Signal Strength of the received messages. In this work, we rigorously evaluate the performance of a commercial kit implementing the DF specification, with the purpose of understanding how the AoA measure varies with respect to the angles' ground truth. We describe two real-world experimental scenarios and we compute the errors between the estimated and actual angles. We also discuss three key aspects for the purpose of adopting BT 5.1 in indoor localization applications.


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Evaluation of angle of arrival in indoor environments with bluetooth 5.1 direction finding},
	author = {Girolami M and Barsocchi P and Furfari F and La Rosa D and Mavilia F},
	doi = {10.1109/wimob55322.2022.9941619},
	year = {2022}