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FM 2016 - Formal Methods. 21st International Symposium

Gnesi S, Fitzgerald J S, Heitmeyer C L, Philippou A, Eds

Formal Methods 

The 2016 symposium received 162 submissions to the main track - the largest number of contributions to a regular symposium in the FM series to date. Review of each submission by at least three Program Committee members followed by a dis- cussion phase led to the selection of 43 papers - an acceptance rate of 0.265. These proceedings also contain six papers selected by the Program Committee of the Industry Track chaired by Georgia Kapitsaki (University of Cyprus), Tiziana Margaria (University of Limerick and Lero, Ireland), and Marcel Verhoef (European Space Agency, The Netherlands).

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BibTeX entry
	title = {FM 2016 - Formal Methods. 21st International Symposium},
	author = {Gnesi S and Fitzgerald J S and Heitmeyer C L and Philippou A and Eds},
	year = {2016}