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Generazione automatica di casi di test per sistemi di controllo degli accessi espressi tramite XACML

Daoudagh S., Lonetti F., Marchetti E.

Testing and Debugging  Design Tools and Techniques  XACML  Strategie per la generazione dei casi di test  Testing  Generazione casi di test 

XACML is the standard specification language for access control decision systems. A common approach for validating XACML access control policies is to test a dedicated software component within the access control system, called a Policy Decision Point (PDP), with a set of XACML requests. In this document, we describe the architecture of a proposed framework, called X-CREATE, for the systematic generation of a test suite of requests for access control systems. Differently from existing tools for policy testing that are based only on the policy specification, X-CREATE also exploits the XACML Context Schema for XACML requests specification. The aim of the proposed framework is twofold: testing of policy evaluation engines and testing of access control policies.

Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2010

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Generazione automatica di casi di test per sistemi di controllo degli accessi espressi tramite XACML},
	author = {Daoudagh S. and Lonetti F. and Marchetti E.},
	institution = {ISTI Technical reports, 2010},
	year = {2010}