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SEMEOTICONS - Design of the Wize Mirror ICT platform

Colantonio S, Martinelli M, Righi M, Assimakopoulou C, Louloudakis S, Chiarugi F, Stromberg T, Randeberg L, Vitali I, Gimeno M

Hardware and software design 

This deliverable refers to WP2, which addresses the challenges associated with the design of all system components (HW, SW and DB) associated with the Wize Mirror development. More specifically, the related Task 2.3, design of the ICT platform, addresses the design of the ICT infrastructure for the Wize Mirror device, providing the design guidelines that will direct the development process carried out in WP3 and WP7 to meet the hardware and software specifications for Wize Mirror.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {SEMEOTICONS - Design of the Wize Mirror ICT platform},
	author = {Colantonio S and Martinelli M and Righi M and Assimakopoulou C and Louloudakis S and Chiarugi F and Stromberg T and Randeberg L and Vitali I and Gimeno M},
	year = {2015}

SEMEiotic Oriented Technology for Individual’s CardiOmetabolic risk self-assessmeNt and Self-monitoring