Conference article  Open Access

Teaching (digital) epigraphy

Lamé M, Ponchio F, Radmanlivaja I, Robertson B

Educational project  Digital epigraphy  Epigraphy  Open Access  Primary sources 

Although having the experience of directly manipulating an ancient textbearing artifact is important for developing the skills of an epigrapher - an experience that books and photo cannot replace - such access to primary sources is often problematic. In this article we present our experience with teaching students to transcribe and interpret Roman inscribed lead tags, using a Digital Autoptic Process (DAP) in a Web environment, so to develop basic competences in epigraphy and digital epigraphy.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Teaching (digital) epigraphy},
	author = {Lamé M and Ponchio F and Radmanlivaja I and Robertson B},
	year = {2016}