Conference article  Open Access

Artificial intelligence and renegotiation of commercial lease contracts affected by pandemic-related contingencies from Covid-19. The project A.I.A.Co.

Parton M., Angelone M., Metta C., D'Ovidio S., Massarelli R., Moscardelli L., Amato G.

Computer Science - Computers and Society  Artificial Intelligence  equitative algorithms  commercial lease contracts  Human-Computer Interaction (cs.HC)  computational law  Predictive justice  Machine Learning  Computers and Society (cs.CY)  K.4  predictive justice  FOS: Computer and information sciences  Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI)  Predictive Justice  Computational Law  Computational law  Machine learning  Computer Science - Human-Computer Interaction  Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence 

This paper aims to investigate the possibility of using artificial intelligence (AI) to resolve the legal issues raised by the Covid-19 emergency about the fate of continuing execution contracts, or those with deferred or periodic execution, as well as, more generally, to deal with exceptional events and contingencies. We first study whether the Italian legal system allows for ''maintenance'' remedies to cope with contingencies and to avoid the termination of the contract, while ensuring effective protection of the interests of both parties. We then give a complete and technical description of an AI-based predictive framework, aimed at assisting both the Magistrate (in the course of litigation) and the parties themselves (in out-of-court proceedings) in the redetermination of the rent of commercial lease contracts. This framework, called A.I.A.Co. for Artificial Intelligence for contract law Against Covid-19, has been developed under the Italian grant ''Fondo Integrativo Speciale per la Ricerca''.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Artificial intelligence and renegotiation of commercial lease contracts affected by pandemic-related contingencies from Covid-19. The project A.I.A.Co.},
	author = {Parton M. and Angelone M. and Metta C. and D'Ovidio S. and Massarelli R. and Moscardelli L. and Amato G.},
	doi = {10.48550/arxiv.2210.09515},
	year = {2023}