Asirelli P, Di Bono M G, Martinelli M, Salvetti O, Signore O, Catasta M, Morbidoni C, Piazza F, Tummarello G
Multimedia Metadata Annotation Semantic Web Distributed Computing H.3.1 Content Analysis and Indexing H.3.4 Systems and Software H.3.3 Information Search and Retrieval
This paper describes a research activity carried on in the frame of a collaboration among ISTI-CNR, leader of the 'Representation and Communication of Data and Metadata' Workpackage in the European Project MUSCLE-NoE('Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning - Network of Excellence') and the Dept. of Electronics, A.I. & Telecommunications of the Polytechnic University of Marche. In particular, an original approach towards multimedia metadata handling and a solution for massive metadata processing, based on distributed computing, are presented. Besides, a tool kit that glues low level metadata with higherlevel representation capabilities of RDF is also approached.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:91258, title = {Toward a scalable multimedia metadata infrastructure using distributed computing and semantic web technologies}, author = {Asirelli P and Di Bono M G and Martinelli M and Salvetti O and Signore O and Catasta M and Morbidoni C and Piazza F and Tummarello G}, year = {2005} }