Conference article  Unknown

Leveraging on associations -- a new challenge for digital libraries

Meghini C., Spyratos N., Doerr M.

Co-reference Management 

Decades of research have been devoted to the goal of creating systems which integrate information into a global knowledge network. On the other side, Digital libraries have not overcome the traditional paradigm of delivering a document as ultimate objective. This paper argues that next-generation DL services must be built on accessing associations implicit or explicit in document collections and their metadata. It suggests a new approach to leverage associations based on (i) generic core ontologies of relationship and co-reference links (ii) semi-automatic maintenance of co-reference links by a new kind of service, and (iii) public engagement in the creation and development of the emerging association network.

Source: First International Workshop on Digital Libraries Foundations. Held in conjunction with the ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 21–24, Vancouver, Australia, 23 Giugno 2007

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Leveraging on associations -- a new challenge for digital libraries},
	author = {Meghini C. and Spyratos N. and Doerr M.},
	booktitle = {First International Workshop on Digital Libraries Foundations. Held in conjunction with the ACM IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 21–24, Vancouver, Australia, 23 Giugno 2007},
	year = {2007}