Ferro E.
Rete wireless Link satellitario Misure
First deliverable of the activity of WP6 in the framework of the IS-MANET project funded by MIUR. The document covers the following points: 1. setting up of a heterogeneous wireless network 2. setting up of a satellite link (only reception) 3. measures (first campain) in the following scenario: i) due wireless nodes with and without obstacles 2. two wireless nodes and the satellite link.
Source: Project report, WP6, 2003
@techreport{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:160192, title = {WP6: Protocolli per l' interconnessione tra rete MANET e rete fissa. Primo deliverable}, author = {Ferro E.}, institution = {Project report, WP6, 2003}, year = {2003} }