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NESTORE - The NESTORE specific ontology

Cândea C, Staicu M, Cândea G, Zgripcea C, Orte S, Palumbo F, Baronti P, Gotta A

NESTORE Ontology  universAAL  Turtle  UML  Java  Nutrition Ontology  Physiological Status and Physical Activity Behaviour Ontology  Cognitive and Mental Status and Social Behaviour Ontology 

The deliverable D2.3 The NESTORE specific ontology is the results of the work from task 2.5 Conversion of the knowledge into ontology, and provides a formal description of the integrated knowledge provided by Task 2.4 in order to guarantee interoperability and integration of NESTORE data model to the UniversAAL platform. The ontology has been developed utilizing the uAAL definitions and using the uAAL eclipse ontology tool editor. The ontology covers the knowledge domain concerning the defintions from D2.1 - Models for Healthy Older People: - Physiological status and Physical Activity Behaviour - Nutrition - Cognitive and Mental Status and Social Behaviour Within the ontology, different types of hierarchies, taxonomies and relationships with respect to the aforementioned areas are defined. The formal languages used to represent knowledge are: Unified Modeling Language and then it will be translated in Java language (in order to be complied with universAAL platform). The modularization and ontology structure are specified by graphical representation. The selected tool editor, uAAL eclipse plugin covers the defined requirements, described in D6.1 Nestore Platform Requirements[], with respect to the architecture, the knowledge model and the browsing capabilities. The developed ontology will be the basic structure for the development of the uAAL Bridge that it will be implemented within the context of Task 6.6. The NESTORE uAAL ontology , will utilize a semantics repository technology that will permit the extended exploitation of the ontology offered capabilities. NESTORE is increasing the uAAL ontologies collection with 40% and expand the uAAL domain usage for Physiological Status and Physical Activity Behaviour (8 ontologies), Nutrition (3 ontologies) and Cognitive and Mental Status and Social Behaviour (4 ontologies). The ontology is available as sources code and documentation on the https://git.nestore-coach.eu/uaal/ontology

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BibTeX entry
	title = {NESTORE - The NESTORE specific ontology},
	author = {Cândea C and Staicu M and Cândea G and Zgripcea C and Orte S and Palumbo F and Baronti P and Gotta A},
	year = {2018}

Novel Empowering Solutions and Technologies for Older people to Retain Everyday life activities