Report  Unknown

DILIGENT - D4.4.2 - Updated Demonstration plan and activity report - interim

Manieri A., Pagano P., Hauer E., Springmann M.

Digital library 

The objective of this document is to report the activities performed in the Demonstration workpackage (WP 4.4) until M24, including the final description of planned demos and instruction for their access and use. In particular it provides a detailed description of the activities and objectives planned until the end of the workpackage that will be also included in the New Implementation Plan M25-36. The aims of this document is to have a clear picture of the status of this WP, the problem encountered, any deviation from original plans and the corrective actions adopted. Some information already submitted as IMR for the past periods here are better represented and discussed.

Source: Project report, DILIGENT, Deliverable 4.4.2, 2007

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BibTeX entry
	title = {DILIGENT - D4.4.2 - Updated Demonstration plan and activity report - interim},
	author = {Manieri A. and Pagano P. and Hauer E. and Springmann M.},
	institution = {Project report, DILIGENT, Deliverable 4.4.2, 2007},
	year = {2007}

A testbed digital library infrastructure on grid enabled technology