Conference article  Restricted

Yet another metamodel to specify non-functional properties

Di Marco A., Pompilio C., Bertolino A., Calabrò A., Lonetti F., Sabetta A.

Meta-model  non-functional properties  service quality model 

In service-oriented systems non-functional properties become very important to support run-time service discovery and composition. Software engineers should take care of them for guaranteeing the service quality in all the software life-cycle phases, from requirements specifi cation to design, to system deployment and execution monitoring. This wide scope and the criticality of non-functional properties demand that they are expressed in a language which is intuitive and easy to use for the service quality speci fication, and at the same time is machine-processable to be automatically handled at run-time. In this paper we present a Property Meta-Model that aims to reach these two main objectives and show as a proof of concept its use for the modeling of two diff erent properties.

Source: International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Service-Based Applications, QASBA 2011, pp. 9–16, Lugano, Switzerland, September 14 2011

Publisher: ACM Press, New York, USA

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Yet another metamodel to specify non-functional properties},
	author = {Di Marco A. and Pompilio C. and Bertolino A. and Calabrò A. and Lonetti F. and Sabetta A.},
	publisher = {ACM Press, New York, USA},
	booktitle = {International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Service-Based Applications, QASBA 2011, pp. 9–16, Lugano, Switzerland, September 14 2011},
	year = {2011}

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