Mangiacrapa F
Virtual Research Environment (Meta)Data Discovery (Meta)Data Publishing ARIADNEPlus GeoPortal Geoportale Nazionale per l'Archeologia (GNA)
The system "geoportal-data-entry-app", allows the actors who use it, the data-entry of the spatio-temporal products (in the first instance they are "concessioni di scavo"), so it allows: (i) access and search for products published in the system, (ii) view the status of publication (SUCCESS, WARNING, ERROR, (iii) access to "view on map" facility, (iv) manage their content (via update/unpublish/delete). The system in general will allow the data-entry of "generic product" with space-time characteristics or not, where the metadata are defined by one or more "Metadata Profile". A Metadata Profile is an XML-based document for defining a "generic item" (e.g. a spatio-temporal dataset) and its attributes, consisting of (metadata)fields that can be of a kind descriptive, spatial, temporal, resource (es. image file), and so on.
@misc{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:460902, title = {Geoportal data entry app [Release 2.0.0]}, author = {Mangiacrapa F}, year = {2021} }