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Multimedia enhancement for Lucene to advanced metric pivOting

Bolettieri P., Gennaro C.

Content Based Image Retrieval  Content Analysis and Indexing  Metric Spaces  Lucene  Similarity Search 

Melampo is a library that allows you to search for images by visual similarity efficiently through the use of Local and Global features. The visual features are transformed into strings of text suitable to be indexed by a standard search engine full-text (in this implementation we adopted the search-engine open-source Apache Lucene). The library also allows you to search by combining visual similarity with the textual metadata associated with the images.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Multimedia enhancement for Lucene to advanced metric pivOting},
	author = {Bolettieri P. and Gennaro C.},
	year = {2013}

Bibliographic record

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