Conference article  Unknown

PP-Index: using permutation prefixes for efficient and scalable similarity search (Extended Abstract)

Esuli A.

Information Search and Retrieval  Approximate Similarity Search  Access Methods 

The Permutation Prefix Index (PP-Index) is a data structure that allows to perform efficient approximate similarity search. It is a permutation-based index, which is based on representing any indexed object with "its view of the surrounding world", i.e., a list of the elements of a set of reference objects sorted by their distance order with respect to the indexed object. In its basic formulation, the PP-Index is biased toward efficiency. We show how the effectiveness can reach optimal levels just by adopting two "boosting" strategies: multiple index search and multiple query search, which both have nice parallelization properties. We study both the efficiency and the effectiveness properties of the PP-Index, experimenting with collections of sizes up to one hundred million objects, represented in a very high-dimensional similarity space.

Source: 18th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, pp. 318–325, Rimini, Italy, 20-23 June 2010

Publisher: Esculapio, Bologna, ITA

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BibTeX entry
	title = {PP-Index: using permutation prefixes for efficient and scalable similarity search (Extended Abstract)},
	author = {Esuli A.},
	publisher = {Esculapio, Bologna, ITA},
	booktitle = {18th Italian Symposium on Advanced Database Systems, pp. 318–325, Rimini, Italy, 20-23 June 2010},
	year = {2010}