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gCube Live Reports Generator [Release 1.0]

Assante M.

Web Applications  Virtual Research Environments  gCube System 

gRG allows users to create Report Templates and generate different manifestation of it (OpenXML (.docx), HTML) based on retrieved results. A gCube Report template definition is made up of two phases: 1st Phase: You can use the Template Creator Portlet to create a D4Science template, which is partially filled out by static information i.e. static images, static text and so on) and by dynamic ones (i.e. dropping image areas). The Template Creator Portlet produces a gCube Report Template that can be loaded into the gCube Report Generator Portlet. The aim of creating gCube Report Templates is the one of creating a basic document structure that can be used lately by actually filling the dynamic parts of the template. 2nd Phase gCube Report Generator Portlet is the one that generates one or more instances of templates (built in the 1st phase) allowing the end user to add dynamic content. The instance can be successively exported into the final Report as OpenXML, PDF or HTML.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {gCube Live Reports Generator  [Release 1.0]},
	author = {Assante M.},
	year = {2008}

Data Infrastructure Ecosystem for Science