Luong Binh Thanh, Ruggieri Salvatore, Turini Franco
Discrimination discovery and prevention k-NN classi
With the support of the legally-grounded methodology of situation testing, we tackle the problems of discrimination discovery and prevention from a dataset of historical decisions by adopting a variant of k-NN classifi cation. A tuple is labeled as discriminated if we can observe a signi ficant di erence of treatment among its neighbors belonging to a protected-by-law group and its neighbors not belonging to it. Discrimination discovery boils down to extracting a classi fication model from the labeled tuples. Discrimination prevention is tackled by changing the decision value for tuples labeled as discriminated before training a classi fier. The approach of this paper overcomes legal weaknesses and technical limitations of existing proposals.
Publisher: ACM Press
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:206443, title = {k-NN as an implementation of situation testing for discrimination discovery and prevention}, author = {Luong Binh Thanh and Ruggieri Salvatore and Turini Franco}, publisher = {ACM Press}, year = {2011} }