Conference article  Restricted

Effect of dynamic pruning safety on learning to rank effectiveness

Macdonald C., Tonellotto N., Ounis I.

Experimentation  Performace  H.3.3 Information Search & Retrieval 

A dynamic pruning strategy, such as Wand, enhances retrieval efficiency without degrading effectiveness to a given rank K, known as safe-to-rank-K. However, it is also possible for Wand to obtain more efficient but unsafe retrieval without actually significantly degrading effectiveness. On the other hand, in a modern search engine setting, dynamic pruning strategies can be used to efficiently obtain the set of documents to be re-ranked by the application of a learned model in a learning to rank setting. No work has examined the impact of safeness on the effectiveness of the learned model. In this work, we investigate the impact of Wand safeness through experiments using 150 TREC Web track topics. We find that unsafe Wand is biased towards documents with lower docids, thereby impacting effectiveness

Source: 35th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 1051–1052, Portland, OR, USA, 12-16 August 2012

Publisher: ACM Press, New York, USA


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Effect of dynamic pruning safety on learning to rank effectiveness},
	author = {Macdonald C. and Tonellotto N. and Ounis I.},
	publisher = {ACM Press, New York, USA},
	doi = {10.1145/2348283.2348464},
	booktitle = {35th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, pp. 1051–1052, Portland, OR, USA, 12-16 August 2012},
	year = {2012}