Conference article  Closed Access

Software testing research: achievements, challenges, dreams

Bertolino A.

Theory  Verification  D.2.4 Software/Program Verification  D.2.5 Testing and Debugging 

Software engineering comprehends several disciplines devoted to prevent and remedy malfunctions and to warrant adequate behaviour. Testing, the subject of this paper, is a widespread validation approach in industry, but it is still largely ad hoc, expensive, and unpredictably effective. Indeed, software testing is a broad term encompassing a variety of activities along the development cycle and beyond, aimed at different goals. Hence, software testing research faces a collection of challenges. A consistent roadmap of the most relevant challenges to be addressed is here proposed. In it, the starting point is constituted by some important past achievements, while the destination consists of four identified goals to which research ultimately tends, but which remain as unreachable as dreams. The routes from the achievements to the dreams are paved by the outstanding research challenges, which are discussed in the paper along with interesting ongoing work.

Source: International Conference on Software Engineering. 2007 Future of Software Engineering, pp. 85–103, Minneapolis, MN, 23-25 May 2007


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BibTeX entry
	title = {Software testing research: achievements, challenges, dreams},
	author = {Bertolino A.},
	doi = {10.1109/fose.2007.25},
	booktitle = {International Conference on Software Engineering. 2007 Future of Software Engineering, pp. 85–103, Minneapolis, MN, 23-25 May 2007},
	year = {2007}