Miori V., Russo D.
Domotica Interoperabilità Home automation Smart Home XML
The work shows the developed prototype for the (Almaviva-CNR) C.A.S.A. Project. The activity was directed to the realization of a Demo-Center able to prove domotic technological innovations inside the home. The realization shows some solutions designed for elderly and disabled people. The application provides a web user interface and a palmtop computer interface equipped of a Text To Speech and Automatic Speech Recognition engine.
Source: Project report, C.A.S.A., 2008
@techreport{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:161158, title = {Una soluzione prototipale domotica per il Progetto C.A.S.A.}, author = {Miori V. and Russo D.}, institution = {Project report, C.A.S.A., 2008}, year = {2008} }