Conference article  Unknown

Softure: adaptable, reliable and performing software for the future

Bertolino A., Emmerich W., Inverardi P., Issarny V.

B3G network 

This paper discusses the approach that will be taken by the PLASTIC project (http://www.ist-plastic.org) in order to assist the development of adaptable, reliable and performing software services for Beyond 3rd Generation networks.

Source: 1st FRCSS'06 Future Reserach Challanges for Software and Services, pp. 21–34, Vienna, 26/03-02/04/2006

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Softure: adaptable, reliable and performing software for the future},
	author = {Bertolino A. and Emmerich W. and Inverardi P. and Issarny V.},
	booktitle = {1st FRCSS'06 Future Reserach Challanges for Software and Services, pp. 21–34, Vienna, 26/03-02/04/2006},
	year = {2006}