Bertolino A., Emmerich W., Inverardi P., Issarny V.
B3G network
This paper discusses the approach that will be taken by the PLASTIC project ( in order to assist the development of adaptable, reliable and performing software services for Beyond 3rd Generation networks.
Source: 1st FRCSS'06 Future Reserach Challanges for Software and Services, pp. 21–34, Vienna, 26/03-02/04/2006
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:91366, title = {Softure: adaptable, reliable and performing software for the future}, author = {Bertolino A. and Emmerich W. and Inverardi P. and Issarny V.}, booktitle = {1st FRCSS'06 Future Reserach Challanges for Software and Services, pp. 21–34, Vienna, 26/03-02/04/2006}, year = {2006} }