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ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC - Mission, strategy and action plan

Lazzeri E, Tanlongo F, Pavone G, Alpi F, Ansuini A, Bertazzon E, Bonaccorsi D, Cappelluti F, Casati S, Castelli D, Cippitani R, Colcelli V, Costantini A, Cozzini S, Degl'Innocenti E, Di Donato F, Di Giorgio S, Fava I, Fiore S, Forni M, Galimberti G, Giglia E, Giorgetti A, Kurapati S, Landoni M, Lavitrano M, Marras C, Niccolucci F, Occioni M, Osmenaj E, Paolini G, Pasquale V, Petrillo C, Pugliese R, Ripepi E, Rivoira G, Rossi G, Salon S, Sarretta A, Sartori A, Spiga D, Tamagno D, Tammaro Am, Vellico M, Vignocchi M, Zane D

EOSC  Competence Centre  ICDI  Open Science  FAIR  EDI  HPC 

This document presents the mission and strategy of the Italian Competence Centre on Open Science, FAIR, and EOSC. The Competence Centre is an initiative born within the Italian Computing and Data Infrastructure (ICDI), a forum created by representatives of major Italian Research Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures, with the aim of promoting synergies at the national level, and optimising the Italian participation to European and global challenges in this field, including the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), the European Data Infrastructure (EDI) and HPC. This working paper depicts the mission and objectives of the ICDI Competence Centre, a network of experts with various skills and competencies that are supporting the national stakeholders on topics related to Open Science, FAIR principles application and participation to the EOSC. The different actors and roles are described in the document as well as the activities and services offered, and the added value each stakeholder can find the in Competence Centre. The tools and services provided, in particular the concept for the portal, through which the Centre will connect to the national landscape and users, are also presented. This record is the English translation of the original Italian (2021). Competence Centre ICDI per Open Science, FAIR, ed EOSC - Mission, Strategia e piano d'azione. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5071055


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BibTeX entry
	title = {ICDI Competence Centre for Open Science, FAIR and EOSC - Mission, strategy and action plan},
	author = {Lazzeri E and Tanlongo F and Pavone G and Alpi F and Ansuini A and Bertazzon E and Bonaccorsi D and Cappelluti F and Casati S and Castelli D and Cippitani R and Colcelli V and Costantini A and Cozzini S and Degl'Innocenti E and Di Donato F and Di Giorgio S and Fava I and Fiore S and Forni M and Galimberti G and Giglia E and Giorgetti A and Kurapati S and Landoni M and Lavitrano M and Marras C and Niccolucci F and Occioni M and Osmenaj E and Paolini G and Pasquale V and Petrillo C and Pugliese R and Ripepi E and Rivoira G and Rossi G and Salon S and Sarretta A and Sartori A and Spiga D and Tamagno D and Tammaro Am and Vellico M and Vignocchi M and Zane D},
	doi = {10.32079/isti-tr-2021/023},
	year = {2021}