Conference article  Unknown

CoWTest: a cost weighted test strategy

Basanieri F., Bertolino A., Marchetti E.

Software engineering  Testing and debugging  UML tool 

In this paper we present CoWTeSt (COst Weighted TEst STrategy), an original strategy for selecting and prioritarising test cases. Cowtest supports managers to schedule and make cost estimates of the testing stages since the early phases of development. The derivation of test cases is based on the software analysis and design documentation, and uses the UML-based methodology UIT, Use Interaction Test. We report about the application of the proposed strategy to a real case study with some preliminary results

Source: European Software Control and Metrics - ESCOM 2001, pp. 387–396, London, England, 2-4 April 2001

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BibTeX entry
	title = {CoWTest: a cost weighted test strategy},
	author = {Basanieri F. and Bertolino A. and Marchetti E.},
	booktitle = {European Software Control and Metrics - ESCOM 2001, pp. 387–396, London, England, 2-4 April 2001},
	year = {2001}