Journal article  Open Access

An algorithm to identify avoidance behavior in moving object trajectories

Alvares L. O., Loy A. M., Renso C., Bogorny V.

Computer Science(all)  Trajectory data mining  Avoidance behavior  Moving objects  General Computer Science  Trajectory behavior  Spatiotemporal pattern 

Research on trajectory behavior has increased significantly in the last few years. The focus has been on the search for patterns considering the movement of the moving object in space and time, essentially looking for similar geometric properties and dense regions. This paper proposes an algorithm to detect a new kind of behavior pattern that identifies when a moving object is avoiding specific spatial regions, such as security cameras. This behavior pattern is called avoidance. The algorithm was evaluated with real trajectory data and achieved very good results.

Source: Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impr.) 17 (2011): 193–203. doi:10.1007/s13173-011-0037-3

Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação., Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasile

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BibTeX entry
	title = {An algorithm to identify avoidance behavior in moving object trajectories},
	author = {Alvares L. O. and Loy A. M. and Renso C. and Bogorny V.},
	publisher = {Sociedade Brasileira de Computação., Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasile},
	doi = {10.1007/s13173-011-0037-3},
	journal = {Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society (Impr.)},
	volume = {17},
	pages = {193–203},
	year = {2011}