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Guidelines for the EUBrazilOpenBio project quality plan

Bosio C, Zoppi F

Quality assurance  Reporting  Guidelines  Digital libraries 

The EUBrazilOpenBio Quality Plan will define the guidelines and procedures of the project in order to ensure efficient project execution as well as high quality project results. The purpose of the present Technical Report is to facilitate the co-operation within the EU-BR consortium providing its members with a point of reference and a common understanding of project methods and procedures, with particular emphasis on the fulfillment of the contractual obligations towards the European Commission and the CNPq. This report will guide all beneficiaries in order to reduce project overhead and increase the efficiency and quality of the work to be performed. The rules, templates, suggestions, and means of communication specified in this document aim to guide the EUBrazilOpenBio beneficiaries providing a framework for operation in different managerial aspects. The ultimate objective of the Quality Plan is to serve as tool, or handbook, for consistent use by project participants to ensure concrete and quality results in line with the work plan the EUBrazilOpenBio project is committed to achieve.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Guidelines for the EUBrazilOpenBio project quality plan},
	author = {Bosio C and Zoppi F},
	year = {2011}

EU-Brazil Open Data and Cloud Computing e-Infrastructure for Biodiversity