Contribution to conference  Open Access

Virtual restoring by multispectral imaging

Console E., Burdin V., Cazuguel G., Legnaioli S., Palleschi V., Tassone R., Tonazzini A.

I.4.4 Restoration  Document image analysis 

Isyreadet (Integrated System for Recovering and Archiving Degraded Texts) is a research project funded by the EU and aimed at realising a system for the virtual restoring of damaged historical documents using innovative methods and tools, such as multispectral cameras and image processing algorithms. During the period 2003-2004 the Consortium, formed by 5 SMEs and 3 RTD Performers has successfully carried out a series of activities related to the analysis of different kind of possible damages, the digitisation of documents using a multispectral camera, the selection and application of the suitable algorithms for the virtual restoration, the implementation of the user-friendly graphic interface.

Source: International Conference Museums, libraries and archives online: MICHAEL service and other international initiatives, Roma, 4-5 dicembre 2006

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Virtual restoring by multispectral imaging},
	author = {Console E. and Burdin V. and Cazuguel G. and Legnaioli S. and Palleschi V. and Tassone R. and Tonazzini A.},
	booktitle = {International Conference Museums, libraries and archives online: MICHAEL service and other international initiatives, Roma, 4-5 dicembre 2006},
	year = {2006}