Report  Unknown

Non-collision probability of a subset of users in DSA systems

Cassarà P., Celandroni N., Gotta A.


This paper presents an exact formula to calculate the probability of the number of successful or dually collided users in finite-user slotted-ALOHA-like systems and to approximate the number of collisions per frame. Such a formula can be employed to estimate the performance in random access schemes with variable and unpredictable traffic load as for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications on wireless sensor networks. Numerical results show the accuracy of the model and its employment for deriving the performance of a Diversity-Slotted-ALOHA system.

Source: ISTI Working papers, 2016

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Non-collision probability of a subset of users in DSA systems},
	author = {Cassarà P. and Celandroni N. and Gotta A.},
	institution = {ISTI Working papers, 2016},
	year = {2016}