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BELIEF - D4.4.c - The BELIEF DL User Guide 'At a Glance'

Zoppi F., Baldacci M. B.

Digital Library 

The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible from the BELIEF Portal clicking on the Digital Library menu or directly at http://belief-dl.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organised in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organised according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections, according with the roles a community member can play: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Reviewer & Administrator Functionality This User Guide "At a Glance" is derived from the complete User Guide in [D4.2.b].

Source: WP1D4.2.c, 2007

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BibTeX entry
	title = {BELIEF - D4.4.c - The BELIEF DL User Guide 'At a Glance'},
	author = {Zoppi F. and Baldacci M.  B.},
	institution = {WP1D4.2.c, 2007},
	year = {2007}

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