Conference article  Unknown

Designing multi-device interactive services through multiple abstraction levels

Berti S., Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.

Authoring Tools  Design Tools and Techniques  Man-machine interfaces  Software Engineering 

The purpose of this paper is to discuss the features of our TERESA environment and show how it can support design and development of multi-device interactive services. This is a tool for model-based design of multi-device interfaces. It considers three levels of abstractions (task model, abstract user interface and concrete user interface). For each of them a specific language has been defined and used. The task and the abstract user interface levels are described by platform-independent languages, which allow designers to focus on conceptual aspects and to avoid dealing with a plethora of low level details.

Source: Device Independent Web Engineering (DIWE 2004), Munich, Germany, 26 July 2004

Publisher: Rinton Press, Princeton, USA

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Designing multi-device interactive services through multiple abstraction levels},
	author = {Berti S. and Mori G. and Paternò F. and Santoro C.},
	publisher = {Rinton Press, Princeton, USA},
	booktitle = {Device Independent Web Engineering (DIWE 2004), Munich, Germany, 26 July 2004},
	year = {2004}