Allasia W, Falchi F, Gallo F
Rights Management Digital rights Information retrieval Metric spaces Multimedia in
We present an innovative approach that treats the right management metadata as metric objects, enabling similarity search on IPR attributes between digital items. We show how the content base similarity search can help both the user to deal with a huge amount of similar items with different licenses and the content providers to detect fake copies or illegal uses. Our aim is the management of the metadata related to the Digital Rights in centralized systems or networks with indexing capabilities for both text and similarity searches, providing the
Source: JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (PRINT), pp. 147-154. Graz, Austria, 5-7 September 2007
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:43964, title = {A similarity approach on searching for digital rights}, author = {Allasia W and Falchi F and Gallo F}, booktitle = {JOURNAL OF UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SCIENCE (PRINT), pp. 147-154. Graz, Austria, 5-7 September 2007}, year = {2007} }