Conference article  Open Access

Blue-Cloud-2026, a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for the Digital Twins of the Oceans

Schaap D, Pittonet Gaiarin S, Pagano P

Open Science  Data discovery  Data access  Virtual research environment 

The pilot Blue-Cloud H2020 project combined interests of developing a thematic marine EOSC cloud and serving the Blue Economy, Marine Environment and Marine Knowledge agendas. It deployed a versatile cyber platform with smart federation of multidisciplinary data repositories, analytical tools, and computing facilities in support of exploring and demonstrating the potential of cloud based open science for ocean sustainability, UN Decade of the Oceans, and G7 Future of the Oceans. The pilot Blue-Cloud delivered: 1) Blue-Cloud Data Discovery & Access service (DD&AS), 2) Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment infrastructure (VRE) and 3) Five multi-disciplinary Blue-Cloud Virtual Labs (VLabs). Since early 2023, Blue-Cloud 2026 aims at a further evolution into a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR & Open data and analytical services, instrumental for deepening research of oceans, EU seas, coastal & inland waters, and building a major data ground segment for the Digital Twins of the Oceans (DTO's). The EMODnet Data Ingestion portal plays a role in the pathways towards the EMODnet data portal. Specifically, the services it provides to data holders include: (a) data submission, with integrated services such as the online submission form, user management service, tracking service, (b) discovery and access, operating on the ingested and completed data submissions, and (c) operational data integration.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Blue-Cloud-2026, a Federated European Ecosystem to deliver FAIR \& Open data and analytical services, instrumental for the Digital Twins of the Oceans},
	author = {Schaap D and Pittonet Gaiarin S and Pagano P},
	year = {2023}