Journal article  Open Access

The natural frequencies of masonry beams

Girardi M

Nonlinear dynamics  FOS: Computer and information sciences  Finance  Computer Science - Computational Engineering  Computational Engineering  Masonry structures  and Science  and Science (cs.CE)  Slender masonry  Mechanical Engineering  Linear perturbation 

The present paper aims at analytically evaluating the natural frequencies of cracked slender masonry elements. The problem is dealt with in the framework of linear perturbation, and the small oscillations of the structure are studied under loaded conditions, after the equilibrium for permanent loads has been achieved. A masonry beam element made of no-tension (masonry-like) material is considered, and some explicit expressions of the beam's fundamental frequency as a function of the external loads and the amplitude of imposed deformations are derived. The analytical results are validated via finite-element analysis.


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BibTeX entry
	title = {The natural frequencies of masonry beams},
	author = {Girardi M},
	doi = {10.1007/s00419-021-01887-4 and 10.48550/arxiv.2012.05704},
	year = {2021}