Software  Unknown

Regia: a metadata editor for Audio/Video Document developed within the EU ECHO project

Gennaro C.

Metadata editor  Audio-Video  Digital Library  IFLA  xml 

Regia is a metadata editor for Audio/Video Document developed within the EU ECHO project. Regia generally works connected to the ECHO Digital Library System, which unfortunately is not available anymore. However, the program is also able to work in standalone modality. The metadata model of ECHO is based on the IFLA model, a general conceptual framework used to describe heterogeneous digital media resources. This metadata model is composed of four levels describing different aspects of intellectual or artistic endeavour: AVDocument, Expression, Media, and Storage. The entities of the model are organized in a structure that reflects the hierarchical order of the entities from the top level (work) to the bottom (item). Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the ECHO Metadata Model. As it is possible to see, the metadata which belong to different classes comprised in the model, are logically divided in two sets Bibliographic Metadata and Time/Space related Metadata. This classification is also reflected in the Metadata Editor interface.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Regia: a metadata editor for Audio/Video Document developed within the EU ECHO project},
	author = {Gennaro C.},
	year = {2003}