Musian D, Alvino S, Vozzi F, Parodi O, Parolini M, Giugni F, Sandys R, Lupiáñezvillanueva F, Ferro E, Fauli C, Ascolese A, Palumbo F, Gallicchio C, Scase M, Bacciu D, Micheli A, Kropf J, Marandure B, Monton E, Hanke S, Kreiner K, Dutton R, Northwood D, Hall S, Cannon D, La Rosa D
DOREMI pilot studies Longitudinal study DOREMI integrated system valdation Active and Healthy Aging C.2 COMPUTER-COMMUNICATION NETWORKS
The deliverable reports all the technical and clinical results reached in the final validation phase according to the plan elaborated in WP2 and described in D2.3. The report will include a detailed descriptions of the preparatory and implementation activities of the pilot studies.
@misc{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:362803, title = {DOREMI - Final report from the pilot site}, author = {Musian D and Alvino S and Vozzi F and Parodi O and Parolini M and Giugni F and Sandys R and Lupiáñezvillanueva F and Ferro E and Fauli C and Ascolese A and Palumbo F and Gallicchio C and Scase M and Bacciu D and Micheli A and Kropf J and Marandure B and Monton E and Hanke S and Kreiner K and Dutton R and Northwood D and Hall S and Cannon D and La Rosa D}, year = {2016} }
Decrease of cOgnitive decline, malnutRition and sedEntariness by elderly empowerment in lifestyle Management and social Inclusion