Conference article  Open Access

Energy and QoE aware placement of applications and data at the edge

Mordacchini M, Ferrucci L, Carlini E, Kavalionak H, Coppola M, Dazzi P

Edge computing  Application placement  Green computing 

Recent years are witnessing extensions of cyber-infrastructures towards distributed environments. The Edge of the network is gaining a central role in the agenda of both infrastructure and application providers. Following the actual distributed structure of such a computational environment, nowadays, many solutions face resource and application management needs in Cloud/Edge continua. One of the most challenging aspects is ensuring highly available computing and data infrastructures while optimizing the system's energy consumption. In this paper, we describe a decentralized solution that limits the energy consumption by the system without failing to match the users' expectations, defined as the services' Quality of Experience (QoE) when accessing data and leveraging applications at the Edge. Experimental evaluations through simulation conducted with PureEdgeSim demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach.

Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, pp. 109-116. Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 19-22/06/2022

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Energy and QoE aware placement of applications and data at the edge},
	author = {Mordacchini M and Ferrucci L and Carlini E and Kavalionak H and Coppola M and Dazzi P},
	booktitle = {CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, pp. 109-116. Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 19-22/06/2022},
	year = {2022}