Conference article  Restricted

ISYREADET: un sistema integrato per il restauro virtuale di documenti antichi

Console E, Valerie B, Cazuguel G, Legnaioli S, Palleschi V, Tassone R, Tonazzini A

Image restoration  Document analysis  Blind source separation 

Isyreadet (Integrated System for Recovering and Archiving Degraded Texts) is a research project funded by the European Commission whose aim has been to realize an integrated hardware and software system for the virtual restoring of damaged historical documents using innovative methods and tools, such as multispectral cameras and image processing algorithms. During the two years life of the project (2003-2004) the consortium, formed by five SMEs (T.E.A. s.a.s., Catanzaro, Art Conservation, Vlaardingen, Atelier Quillet, La Rochelle, Art Innovation, Hengelo, Transmedia Technology, Swansea) and three RTD Performers (CNR- Istituto per i Processi Chimico-Fisici, Pisa, CNR- Isituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione, Pisa, ENST- École Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Brest), has successfully carried out a series of activities. The activities provided for the realization of the project have been related to the analysis and the classification of different kind of possible damages, the digitalization of the test documents using a multispectral camera, the selection of suitable image enhancement algorithms and further application, the implementation of the user-friendly graphic interface. Above are shown the outcomes reached by the application of the algorithms for the virtual restoration of the documents.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {ISYREADET: un sistema integrato per il restauro virtuale di documenti antichi},
	author = {Console E and Valerie B and Cazuguel G and Legnaioli S and Palleschi V and Tassone R and Tonazzini A},
	year = {2007}