Journal article  Open Access

Big data research in Italy: a perspective

Bergamaschi S, Carlini E, Ceci M, Furletti B, Giannotti F, Malerba D, Mezzanzanica M, Monreale A, Pasi G, Pedreschi D, Perego R, Ruggieri S

Job offers  Smart cities  Energy Engineering and Power Technology  General Computer Science  General Chemical Engineering  Job offers Privacy  Smart city  General Engineering  Materials Science (miscellaneous)  Privacy  Energy  Environmental Engineering  Big data 

The aim of this article is to synthetically describe the research projects that a selection of Italian universities is undertaking in the context of big data. Far from being exhaustive, this article has the objective of offering a sample of distinct applications that address the issue of managing huge amounts of data in Italy, collected in relation to diverse domains.

Source: ENGINEERING, vol. 2 (issue 2), pp. 163-170

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Big data research in Italy: a perspective},
	author = {Bergamaschi S and Carlini E and Ceci M and Furletti B and Giannotti F and Malerba D and Mezzanzanica M and Monreale A and Pasi G and Pedreschi D and Perego R and Ruggieri S},
	doi = {10.1016/j.eng.2016.02.011},
	year = {2016}