Conference article  Open Access

Dinamica della flotta peschereccia a strascico di Viareggio descritta mediante l'uso di un sistema geografico (GIS)

Fortunati L, Abella A, Serena F

GIS  Demersal fish  Commercial catch assessment  Fishing effort  Database applications 

The spatial components of the Viareggio fisheries have been studied by means of a Geographic Information System. Data proceeds from a Catch Assessment Program started in 1990 and performed by direct interviews during the landings. The analysis of data allowed to describe the structural characteristics of the fleet, the distribution of fishing effort by fishing strategy and their seasonal changes. It also allowed to map the catch rates by gear for a group or for single species.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Dinamica della flotta peschereccia a strascico di Viareggio descritta mediante l'uso di un sistema geografico (GIS)},
	author = {Fortunati L and Abella A and Serena F},
	year = {2000}