Casini G, Straccia U
Rational Closure Description Logics Non-monotone Mathematical Logic and Formal Languages
In the field of non-monotonic logics, the notion of rational closure is acknowledged as a landmark, and we are going to see that such a construction can be characterised by means of a simple method in the context of propositional logic. We then propose an application of our approach to rational closure in the field of Description Logics, an important knowledge representation formalism, and provide a simple decision procedure for this case.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:44338, title = {Rational closure for defeasible description logics}, author = {Casini G and Straccia U}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-15675-5_9}, year = {2010} }
Including Quantification in Defeasible Reasoning for the Description Logic $$\mathcal {EL} _{\bot } $$
Introducing Role Defeasibility in Description Logics
Rational Closure for Defeasible Description Logics
Rationality and Context in Defeasible Subsumption
Reasoning on $$\textit{DL-Lite}_\mathcal{R}$$ with Defeasibility in ASP
Reasoning with Justifiable Exceptions in $$\mathcal{E}\mathcal{L}_\bot $$ Contextualized Knowledge Repositories
Relevant Closure: A New Form of Defeasible Reasoning for Description Logics
Semantic Foundation for Preferential Description Logics
Strong Explanations for Nonmonotonic Reasoning