Journal article  Open Access

Infinite unfair shuffles and associativity

Maurice H. Ter Beek, Jetty Kleijn

Limit behaviour  Computer Science(all)  Shuffle  Infinite words  Shuffles  General Computer Science  Fairness  Theoretical Computer Science  Shuffling  G.2.1 Combinatorics. Permutations and combinations  F.4.3 Formal Languages. Operations on languages  Associativity  Combinatorics 

We consider a general shuffling operation for finite and infinite words which is not necessarily fair. This means that it may be the case that in a shuffle of two words, from some point onwards, one of these words prevails ad infinitum even though the other word still has letters to contribute. Prefixes and limits of shuffles are investigated, leading to a characterization of general shuffles in terms of shuffles of finite words, a result which does not hold for fair shuffles. Associativity of shuffling is an immediate corollary.

Source: Theoretical computer science 380 (2007): 401–410. doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2007.03.030

Publisher: Elsevier, Lausanne ;, Paesi Bassi

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Infinite unfair shuffles and associativity},
	author = {Maurice H.  Ter Beek and Jetty Kleijn},
	publisher = {Elsevier, Lausanne ;, Paesi Bassi},
	doi = {10.1016/j.tcs.2007.03.030},
	journal = {Theoretical computer science},
	volume = {380},
	pages = {401–410},
	year = {2007}