Conference article  Restricted

GP-m: Mobile middleware infrastructure for Ambient Assisted Living

Palumbo F, La Rosa D, Chessa S

Ambient Assisted Living  distributed middleware  mobile sensing  Smart Environments 

The problem of providing assistive services to elderly in smart cities is becoming important due to the aging of population in the developed countries. The possibility of using personal devices like smartphones to be assisted also outside the house is a key factor to guarantee the independency of elderly users still remaining connected to his caregivers network. We identified in the development of a suitable mobile middleware one of the main solution to the barrier in the deployment of distributed AAL services. In this scenario, we show the effectiveness of the mobile middleware solution proposed, called GiraffPlus-mobile (GP-m), in terms of integration with the existing pervasive environment, performances and energy saving.

Source: PROCEEDINGS - IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS, vol. Workshops, pp. 1-6. 23-26 June 2014, Madeira, Portugal

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BibTeX entry
	title = {GP-m: Mobile middleware infrastructure for Ambient Assisted Living},
	author = {Palumbo F and La Rosa D and Chessa S},
	booktitle = {PROCEEDINGS - IEEE SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTERS AND COMMUNICATIONS, vol. Workshops, pp. 1-6. 23-26 June 2014, Madeira, Portugal},
	year = {2014}