Software  Unknown

A data logger for wireless sensor network.

Amato G., Chessa S., Gennaro C., Pallini D. Vairo C

Wireless Sensor Networks  Logger  Database 

The software is a tool for the real-time acquisition of data from a set of Mote sensors and for the storage of the acquired data in the flash memory of the sensors. The tool provides functionalities to retrieve the stored data in the sink node, to insert them in a database and to visualize them by means of a graphical user interface that runs on a linux-based PC. The tool that we propose consists of both the software that runs on the PC and the software to be installed on Motes.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {A data logger for wireless sensor network.},
	author = {Amato G. and Chessa S. and Gennaro C. and Pallini D.  Vairo C},
	year = {2012}

Robotics UBIquitous COgnitive Network