Conference article  Restricted

An adaptive and anticipatory AmI approach tailored to user needs

Miori V., Russo D.

Ambient Intelligence  Domotics  Home environment  AmI  DomoNet 

The objective of the research is to propose a feasible software solution able to learn the behavior and habits of domotic home inhabitants in order to anticipate their needs. The proposed work consists of developing an application that integrates existing, well-established domotic systems with machine learning techniques to offer a ready and complete practicable solution for improving the quality of life in a technological living environment, such as a house, a yacht and so on. The proposed solution also represents a concrete aid for disabled and elderly occupants by providing them with greater autonomy and safety, especially for the critically ill because it is able to recognize unusual, potentially hazardous behavior. The prototype has been developed and is currently running at in the Pisa CNR laboratory, where a home environment is faithfully simulated.

Source: 5th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI 2011, Riviera Maya, Mexico, December 5-9 2011

Publisher: Technological University of Panama, Panama, PAN

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BibTeX entry
	title = {An adaptive and anticipatory AmI approach tailored to user needs},
	author = {Miori V. and Russo D.},
	publisher = {Technological University of Panama, Panama, PAN},
	booktitle = {5th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing and Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI 2011, Riviera Maya, Mexico, December 5-9 2011},
	year = {2011}

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