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gCube Infrastructure Gateway Bundle.

Assante M.

Virtual Research Environments  gCube System  Science Gateway 

gCube Infrastructure Gateway Bundle is the access point to a number of gCube applications operated by the D4Science data e-Infrastructure. gCube Infrastructure Gateway is built over Liferay Portal 6.0.6 and comes with Apache Tomcat6,the latest stable relase of gCube Core Distribution (gCore) and gCube Application Support Layer (ASL). When you install the portal for the first time a Wizard Application (Staging procedure) guides you through the installation configuration and will setup everything's needed for you. The whole procedure consist of 4 steps: - Infrastructure and Theme Selection - Virtual Research Environments check-up - Administrator account creation - Final summary step The primary role assigned to this subsystem is to support the users of Virtual Research Environments exploiting their applications.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {gCube Infrastructure Gateway Bundle.},
	author = {Assante M.},
	year = {2012}

Data e-Infrastructure Initiative for Fisheries Management and Conservation of Marine Living Resources