Journal article  Open Access

Needs and gaps in optical underwater technologies and methods for the investigation of marine animal forest 3D-structural complexity

Rossi P, Ponti M, Righi S, Castagnetti C, Simonini R, Mancini F, Agrafiotis P, Bassani L, Bruno F, Cerrano C, Cignoni P, Corsini M, Drap P, Dubbini M, Garrabou J, Gori A, Gracias N, Ledoux Jb, Linares C, Mantas Tp, Menna F, Nocerino E, Palma M, Pavoni G, Ridolfi A, Rossi S, Skarlatos D, Treibitz T, Turicchia E, Yuval M, Capra A

Aquatic Science  AUV  biodiversity  Ocean Engineering  Semantic segmentation  Research data  Biodiversitat  Underwater photogrammetry  Civil Engineering  robotics  Fauna marina  semantic segmentation  Oceanography  Biodiversity  3D monitoring  Engineering and Technology  biogenic reefs conservation  Dades de recerca  Marine fauna  Water Science and Technology  Global and Planetary Change  Biogenic reefs conservation  underwater photogrammetry 

Marine animal forests are benthic communities dominated by sessile suspension feeders (such as sponges, corals, and bivalves) able to generate three-dimensional (3D) frameworks with high structural complexity. The biodiversity and functioning of marine animal forests are strictly related to their 3D complexity. The present paper aims at providing new perspectives in underwater optical surveys. Starting from the current gaps in data collection and analysis that critically limit the study and conservation of marine animal forests, we discuss the main technological and methodological needs for the investigation of their 3D structural complexity at different spatial and temporal scales. Despite recent technological advances, it seems that several issues in data acquisition and processing need to be solved, to properly map the different benthic habitats in which marine animal forests are present, their health status and to measure structural complexity. Proper precision and accuracy should be chosen and assured in relation to the biological and ecological processes investigated. Besides, standardized methods and protocols are strictly necessary to meet the FAIR (findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reusability) data principles for the stewardship of habitat mapping and biodiversity, biomass, and growth data.

Source: FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE, vol. 8 (issue 591292)

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Needs and gaps in optical underwater technologies and methods for the investigation of marine animal forest 3D-structural complexity},
	author = {Rossi P and Ponti M and Righi S and Castagnetti C and Simonini R and Mancini F and Agrafiotis P and Bassani L and Bruno F and Cerrano C and Cignoni P and Corsini M and Drap P and Dubbini M and Garrabou J and Gori A and Gracias N and Ledoux Jb and Linares C and Mantas Tp and Menna F and Nocerino E and Palma M and Pavoni G and Ridolfi A and Rossi S and Skarlatos D and Treibitz T and Turicchia E and Yuval M and Capra A},
	doi = {10.3389/fmars.2021.591292},
	year = {2021}