Salerno E, Caudai C
Chromosome conformation capture Computational biology Python source code
This Python code provides an estimate of the 3D structure of the chromatin fibre in cell nuclei from the contact frequency data produced by a 'Chromosome conformation capture' experiment. The only input required is a text file containing a general real matrix of contact frequencies. The related genomic resolution, along with a few geometric parameters and the parameters for tuning the estimation algorithm must be set in advance in a special section of the source code. The whole fibre is divided in independent segments, whose structures are estimated and modelled as single elements of a lower-resolution fibre that is treated recursively in the same way, until it cannot be divided anymore into independent segments. The full-resolution chain is then reconstructed by another recursive procedure.
@misc{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:346575, title = {Reconstruction of 3D chromatin structure from chromosome conformation capture data (Release 2.0)}, author = {Salerno E and Caudai C}, year = {2016} }