Lami G., Spagnolo G. O.
Software product quality ISO/IEC 25000 Quality evaluation.
In this paper, we describe an evaluation method, called QuESPro (Quality Evaluation of Software Product), aimed at performing third party evaluation of the suitability for the intended use of software products, by targeting a trade-off between the mere informal expert judgment and the application of complex and expensive evaluation methods. The QuESPro is based on the framework provided by the ISO/IEC 25000 series standard and provides a step-wise process to determine a quantitative evaluation of the relevant quality characteristics of software products. With the aim of assessing the feasibility of the QuESPro method in terms of feasibility, identifying its strengths, and identifying improvement opportunities we applied it to an industrial case study. The results of such a case study are reported in this paper as well.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:470304, title = {A lightweight software product quality evaluation method}, author = {Lami G. and Spagnolo G. O.}, year = {2022} }