Report  Unknown

Compatibility analysis of the current mobility with electrified vehicles (D4)

Rinzivillo S., Giannotti F., Pennacchioli D., Gabrielli L.

Mobility data mining 

The availability of GPS-enabled devices has fostered the collection of large datasets of movements of people. This provides us a big opportunity to study human mobility behavior and to understand the key features to modify in order to improve the efficiency of individual movements. This efficiency has been studied in terms of mitigation of side effects of high density traffic, like jams, pollution, space occupancy. In this work, we concentrate on the study of the energy efficiency of movements, by considering a new emerging mean of transportation based on electric powered engines. In this document we explore the compatibility of the current mobility habits with electric engine technology, discussing improvement and solution to promote or improve the spatial range and extent of current vehicles.

Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2015

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Compatibility analysis of the current mobility with electrified vehicles (D4)},
	author = {Rinzivillo S. and Giannotti F. and Pennacchioli D. and Gabrielli L.},
	institution = {ISTI Technical reports, 2015},
	year = {2015}