Journal article  Open Access

Modelling interactive experience, function and performance in ubiquitous systems

Harrison M., Massink M.

Computer Science(all)  stochastic modelling  General Computer Science  Ubiquitous computing  ubiquitous computing  Human computer interaction  model checking  Interactive systems  Theoretical Computer Science  Model checking  interactive systems  human computer interaction  Stochastic modelling 

The cost of deploying a ubiquitous system to enhance a physical environment is likely to be considerable. The success of its deployment is highly dependent on its context: the physical environment and the activities that are to be carried out within it. This paper provides an initial exploration of whether stochastic process algebras (in particular PEPA with a Fluid Flow semantics) might be used to explore consequences before deployment. The focus of the exploration is to aid understanding of how a proposed system supports users within the environment. The challenge is to provide notations and techniques that will enable the analysis of potentially complex systems.

Source: Electronic notes in theoretical computer science 261 (2010): 23–42. doi:10.1016/j.entcs.2010.01.004

Publisher: Elsevier, Amsterdam , Paesi Bassi

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Modelling interactive experience, function and performance in ubiquitous systems},
	author = {Harrison M. and Massink M.},
	publisher = {Elsevier, Amsterdam , Paesi Bassi},
	doi = {10.1016/j.entcs.2010.01.004},
	journal = {Electronic notes in theoretical computer science},
	volume = {261},
	pages = {23–42},
	year = {2010}